Sunday, August 22, 2010

My First Blog Post Ever

This is my very first blog post. Blogging is something I never imagined I would be doing. I have always kept a short blog for parents on what we do in the classroom but have never considered sharing my ideas with the world outside the four walls of my classroom. I hope this is a good experience.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging! I have started them off and on over the years, but mainly for podcasting. Recently I've been maintaining a personal one and really used tit as self therapy when my dad died. Since then I've used it for a lot of brain clearing. :-)

    I also started a work one last year, but never maintained it. When we swapped hosting companies this year I opened up a new server for iWeb publishing and it's also a wiki/blog server. I'm doing better on that one. :-)

    If you're interested, here are the links - blog is at "Life"
